Monday, January 31, 2011

My "Do It Yourself" Project: Crochet Scarf

My do it yourself project last winter was this crochet scarf. Back then I was in love with biiiig and looong scarf. I also wanted something really thick, warm, and neutral in color. After getting frustrated with not being to find exactly what I want, I decided to try making one myself lol.
I had no prior experience so it took me forever ( 2 months lol), and I got a lot of help from my mom! Good thing I was also on winter break so lots of free time to work on it.
After using it for one year, I can say I'm so glad that I did it! It's super versatile and really kept me warm during the winter =)

This year, I'm planning to make another project, thinking of either making another scarf style or a beanie. Super excited and hopefully I won't take as long haha. Wish me luck everyone =)
How about you? Do you like DIY projects???

Also HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, even though it's been more than a month late ^^;